Your results are in!

Based on today's answers, your specific ketone formulas are below.

Your Ketone Category is:

Metabolic Health

Whether you're looking to optimize your fasting routine or replace the need for one, deltaG® has you covered. deltaG® ketones restore your metabolism back to its peak, helping you reach a state of clinical ketosis for 3-4 hours per serving. deltaG® supports healthy weight loss, glucose control, and reduced inflammation.

△H Ketone Health

△H Ketone Health

$57.00 per pack of 3 bottles

  • 10g Ketone Ester per bottle
  • 1-2 servings
  • Lemon Zest Flavor
  • 3-5 hours of Flow & Focus
  • Executives, Health Optimizers
Shop Now
△Gold Ketone Booster

△Gold Ketone Booster

$129.00 per pack of 3 bottles

  • 32g Ketone Ester per bottle
  • 6 servings
  • Pure Ester - Mix with Coffee
  • 2-4 Hours of Flow & Focus
  • Weekend Warriors, Executives,
    Health Optimizers
Shop Now
ΔGold Ketone Espresso Shot v1.0

ΔGold Ketone Espresso Shot v1.0

$7 per bottle

  • 5.4g per bottle
  • 1 servings
  • Bitter cocoa
  • 5 hours of Flow & Focus
  • Weekend Warriors, Executives,
    Health Optimizers
Shop Now

Need a consultation?

Book a free 15-minute consultation with Brian McMahon, our resident human performance expert and ketone coach to the world’s most elite athletes.

Your Complimentary 15-minute Consultation Covers:

  • Detailed discussion about any challenges you’re currently facing
  • Which deltaG® products are right for you
  • A personalized action plan
  • Dosage for your lifestyle and goals

Reach peak performance with deltaG®

Experience ketosis on demand for healthy weight loss, increased energy, and peak performance.

$65 Million in R&D

Funded by DARPA and the NIH under the "metabolic dominance" program for the US military to create the most effective fuel for soldiers in the battlefield.

70+ Clinical Studies

Created by University of Oxford and studied by the worlds most renowned academic institutions and research centers for safety and efficacy.

Trusted by Elite Athletes

10+ years of record setting use by Olympic Athletes, Tour de France riders, Formula 1 drivers, NBA, NFL, FIFA, Ironman, and many other of the world's highest performers.

WADA & BSCG Approved

Fully Compliant and registered with World Anti Doping Agency (WADA), BSCG, and FDA GRAS Approved. Made in USA & UK.

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